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7 Best WhatsApp tricks of 2018

7 Best WhatsApp tricks of 2018

Today WhatsApp is the most popular messaging service, according to official reports, Whatsapp has more than 1 billion active users. there is no real wonder that Facebook has purchased Whatsapp for 20+ billion dollars! I believe everybody who is reading Whatsapp regularly like this, I decided to share some simple and clean Whatsapp tips and tricks to take advantage of more than the most popular messaging platform Whatsapp.
WhatsApp Stalkers exists in everyone’s Contacts. You simply can’t ignore the fact that you will always need to stay private from some people, no matter who they are. In case you are wondering how to hide your Profile Picture and status from one person Or perhaps you just fancy being a little mysterious for the day. Either way, you can choose if everyone, no-one, or only your contacts see your Picture. 

Hide your profile picture whatsapp
viOS & Android: Go to Settings > Account > Privacy > Profile Photo

2> Tag people in WhatsApp

tag people in WhatsApp

It is possible to tag other members of WhatsApp group message in order to get their attention, even if they mute the conversation on WhatsApp. To notify any member of a group message that you’re trying to get their attention simply type @; when you do this, a list of group members will appear above and select them from the list that appears.

If you’ve got a generic announcement to make – an invite to a weekend BBQ or an intervention about your friend’s unhealthy obsession with KFC – and you don’t want to do it on the loudmouth platform that is Facebook, this feature works much the same way as BCC-ing people in an email.
Your recipients will get the message as if it was a privately composed one, oblivious to the fact that you’ve sent the exact same invite to 342 other people. Great for saving time, terrible if they all reply yes.
Send a public message privately whatsapp
How: On the top-left-hand corner of your WhatsApp Chats window, just below the search bar, you’ll notice a Broadcast Lists. Tap on it for the option to create a new list of contacts you want your message to go out to, and message away like you would normally.
There may be some contacts that you want to know instantly if they are calling you or sending you messages. To ensure that they do not blend in the crowd, you can change your specific alert tone, so you recognize when that particular person has sent you a message or is WhatsApp calling you.
Customize notifications in WhatsApp
How: Go to Chats > Specific chat > Tap on contact name at top > Custom Notifications
Ever passed your phone to a friend and instantly panicked about the messages they might see come through? Yeah, we haven’t either. For those that have, you can turn off message preview on iOS so only the contact’s name will appear, rather than their life story.
If you’re concerned about your privacy, or just want to be able to respond to messages in your own time without offending people, you should turn both of these features off.
Stop people seeing your messages in WhatsApp

How: Go to Settings > Notifications > Toggle off Show Preview

6> Backup your WhatsApp Data

Worried about losing a year’s worth of messages? You don’t have to WhatsApp knows how precious your chat history is to you and secures it all for you in the cloud.recover deleted chats from whatsapp
How: iPhone users get the option of backing their chat history to iCloud automatically on a daily/weekly/monthly schedule. If it’s only selected chat histories you desire, click on the chat you want, then the user’s name and finally email conversation to yourself.
How: Android users can go to ‘Settings’, ‘Chats and calls’, and select the ‘Chat backup’ option, which will let you setup an automatic Google Drive backup.

7> Recover Deleted Chats

WhatsApp backs up all your chats every day at 2 AM in the morning (if you have not manually changed this). So, if you have deleted anything dated prior to 2 AM the same day, you can easily recover them.
To recover the deleted chats, you need to uninstall and reinstall WhatsApp. After reinstalling, while setting up the app, you will get an option to ‘Restore’ the messages. Simply tap on it and WhatsApp will restore all your messages. Please keep in mind that any message that you received after the backup time cannot be recovered!

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