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250+ Best Short Whatsapp Status You Never Heard Before

Best Short Whatsapp Status

Million Dollars Words For Status

  • I want to restore MY life…
  • Kindness is the most meaningful form of progress.
  • You don’t need to like me I’m not Facebook..
  • Life is simple, it’s just not easy.
  • 24 Hours Available
  • Life must go on 🙂
  • Be good and Do good
  • No status available.
  • Please think Positive
  • Being I, me & myself.
  • I don’t have any status
  • Keep calm, stay happy.
  • Good times. Good memories.
  • Life is too short to wait.
  • In dreams we are true poets.
  • Thanks God for creating love
  • I don’t wake up every day to impress you.
  • I need long live for my love
  • Etc= End of thinking Capacity.
  • Be happy with what you have (:
  • Never too busy to be happy 🙂
  • When words fail, tears speak..
  • Life is not a bed of red roses
  • The best way to die is to live.
  • Life is Short – Talk Fast!
  • Life is Short – Chat Fast!
  • Love never fail.we fail to love.
  • life is simple if we are simple..
  • Dream like there is no tomorrow..
  • You may delay, but time will not.
  • I wish i have a friend like me 😀

Best Short Whatsapp Status Collections

  • Friendship exist but real is rare.
  • Love is precious if your love is your family.
  • I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all once…
  • We loved with a love that was more than love.
  • Love conquers all.
  • Love is real, real is love.
  • We accept the love we think we deserve.
  • Come live in my heart and pay no rent.
  • We were together. I forget the rest.
  • Love is the greatest refreshment in life.
  • There is no remedy for love but to love more.
  • Love is a great beautifier.
  • The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.

Best Small Whatsapp Status For Family

  • I sustain myself with the love of family.
  • A family is a place where minds come in contact with one another.
  • You don’t choose your family. They are God’s gift to you, as you are to them.
  • Family is not an important thing, it’s everything.
  • Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten.
  • A happy family is but an earlier heaven.
  • The family is one of nature’s masterpieces.
  • Family is the most important thing in the world.
  • Family is what works.
  • I don’t care how poor a man is; if he has family, he’s rich.
  • One day you will do things for me that you hate. That is what it means to be family.
  • The family is a haven in a heartless world.
  • I believe the world is one big family, and we need to help each other.
  • Family makes you who you are and aren’t.
  • The love of a family is life’s greatest blessing.
  • Family knows your flaws but loves you anyway.

Cool Short Whatsapp Status Ever

  • I love you..more than you’ll ever know.
  • You are my favorite Daydream.
  • Do an act of kindness. Help one person smile.
  • A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.
  • Trust me I am a liar.
  • You are the keeper of my heart…
  • It’s fun being a kid.
  • Time is precious. Waste it wisely
  • Good night my friend.I wish you sweet dreams and peaceful night.
  • Good Morning wishing you a day full of joyful moments.
  • I’m actually not funny.
  • I’m just really mean and people think I’m joking.
  • Everyday is a second chance.
  • Try and fail, but don’t fail to try.
  • Friction is a drag.
  • Status loading……
  • How to write my status?
  • Scratch Here to see my status.
  • Not always “Available”.. try your Luck..
  • I will win, Not immediately But Definitely.
  • Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.
  • You cannot stop the waves but you can learn to surf.
  • If you want to make your dreams come true, The first thing you have to do is wake up.
  • The greatest advantage of speaking the truth is that you don’t have to remember what you said.
  • I am not failed……My success is just postponed.
  • Nothing is over until you stop trying.
  • Hey there whatsapp is using me.

High Attitude Short Status For Whatsapp

  • You can never buy Love….But still you have to pay for it.
  • Totally available!! Please disturb me!!
  • I need Six months of vacation, Twice a year
  • Time, you can’t keep it, but you can spend it.
  • Good friends are like starts. you don t always see them. but you know they are there !
  • If you ever lose my trust, you probably will never get it back.
  • I am sorry for doing wrong……
  • For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness.
  • The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention.
  • Every act of kindness benefits the giver, as well as the receiver.
  • Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.
  • To be kind is good. To be kind without expecting anything in return is better.
  • A part of kindness consists in loving people more than they deserve.
  • No one has ever become poor by giving.
  • Never lose a chance of saying a kind word.
  • I believe in you so much. I hope you do too. Good luck!
  • Best friend is someone who loves you when you forget to love yourself.
  • Speak only when you feel your words are better than silence!
  • I’m not lazy, I’m just on my energy saving mode.
  • Life’s greatest happiness is to be convinced we are loved.
  • If you can’t admit when you’re wrong, you’ll never learn from your mistakes.
  • I Feel I’m missing ,something in my life these days.
  • I’m sick and tired of being strong..
  • Hello where are you guyz.. I am still here
  • I am always with you…good night frnds.
  • Friendship doubles your joy & divides your sorrow.
  • I keep missing you, simply because I love you.
  • No one is perfect understanding is important!

Sweet But Danger Love Whatsapp Status

  • Love has no age, no limit and no death.
  • I am pretty confident that you can make it.
  • Good luck Wow, who knew life could be this amazing..
  • If you never try, you’ll never know.
  • No one knows what he can do until he tries.
  • Love your enemies.It’ll confuse them..
  • While there’s life, there’s HOPE.
  • C.L.A.S.S- come late and start sleeping…
  • Dont be afraid of fear let it be afraid of you.
  • Remember: someone is happy with less than you have.
  • Every new day is another chance to change your life.
  • Control Your Anger. It is One Letter Away From Danger.
  • Face your problems don’t Facebook your problems.
  • Love is like war. Easy to begin but very hard to stop.
  • When you see a person without a smile, give them yours.

Amazing And Best Status Ever

  • Strength is nothing more than how well we hide the pain.
  • Experience is the name every one gives to their mistakes.
  • To love and be loved is the great happiness of existence.
  • Dont lose hope. When the sun goes down, the stars come out.
  • Stand up for what is right. Even if you are standing alone.
  • Love can make you do things that you never thought possible.
  • Without you, I have nothing. But with you, I have everything.
  • A meaningful silence is always better than meaningless words.
  • Love is a state of mind which has nothing to do with the mind.
  • My life isn’t perfect, but it does have perfect moments.
  • Live your everyday of life like its the last day of your life.
  • Failure is always temporary, only giving up makes it permanent.
  • Nothing is IMPOSSIBLE, The word itself says I’M POSSIBLE.
  • Impossible only means you haven’t found the solution yet.
  • Keep smiling, it makes people wonder what you’re up to.

Latest Collection Of Whatsapp Status Is Two Lines

  • If you cannot solve it, it is not a problem, It’s reality.
  • Let’s tell our families and friends how much we love them.
  • Every new day gives new things and there we create new memories.
  • Trust is like paper once crumpled it can never be perfect again.
  • Be patient. The lessons you learn today will benefit you tomorrow.
  • Forgive others, if you want to be forgiven in your critical times.
  • God gives gives gives and forgives. People get get get and forget.
  • Some lessons can’t be taught, they simply have to be learned.
  • The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.
  • It’s amazing how few pictures can bring back so many memories.
  • If you dont understand my silence, how will you understand my words?
  • Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach.
  • All life is an experiment.
  • The more experiments you make, the better.
  • Time is the coin of life.
  • Only you can determine how it will be spent.
  • Pretty words are not always true and true words are not always pretty.

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